
Urban Travel Demand: A Behavioral Analysis

Textbook Title: Urban Travel Demand: A Behavioral Analysis Textbook Description: This free online etextbook provides an overview on a theory…

Production Economics: Dual Approach to Theory and Applications

Textbook Title: Production Economics: A Dual Approach to Theory and Applications Textbook Description: This free online textbook provides an overview…

Analog Estimation Methods in Econometrics

Textbook Title: Analog Estimation Methods in Econometrics Textbook Description: This free online textbook provides an overview of the familiar elements…

Theory of Interest and Derivatives Markets

Textbook Title: Theory of Interest and Derivatives Markets Textbook Description: This free online textbook provides an introductory text to the…

Electronic Commerce: The Strategic Perspective

Textbook Title: Electronic Commerce: The Strategic Perspective Textbook Description: This free online textbook addresses the fundamental issues that are common…

Capital as Power: A Study of Order and Creorder

Textbook Title: Capital as Power: A Study of Order and Creorder Textbook Description: This free online textbook covers how capital…

Statistical Method in Economics

Textbook Title: Statistical Method in Economics Textbook Description: The free online textbook introduces statistical theory to prepare students for the…

International Trade Theory and Policy

Textbook Title: International Trade Theory and Policy Textbook Description: This free online textbook covers international trade theory and policy, as…