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Textbook Title: Foundations of Software Engineering Textbook Description: This free etextbook online is a suitable foundation text for the subject…
Textbook Title: Essays on Wildlife Conservation Textbook Description: This is a free online textbook is suitable for an introductory course…
Textbook Title: Introduction to Economic Analysis Textbook Description: The Introduction to Economic Analysis textbook is a free, open sourced, creative-commons…
Textbook Title: Computational Fluid Dynamics: Technologies and Applications Textbook Description: This free online etextbook serves as reference textbook in the…
Textbook Title: Advanced Calculus, Revised Edition Textbook Description: This textbook is based on an honors course in Advanced Calculus given…
Textbook Title: Introduction to Biology Textbook Textbook Description: Introduction to Biology Textbook covering a wide range of introductory college level…
Textbook Title: Introduction to Psychology Textbook Description: This free online textbook provides an introduction to the study of psychology, and…
Textbook Title: Six Centuries of Painting 1300-1900 Textbook Description: The free etextbook online covers six centuries of predominate paintings and…