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Sediment Transport

Textbook Title: Sediment Transport Textbook Description: This free online textbook covers a wide variety of subject matters. The textbook combines…

Modeling Bounded Rationality

Textbook Title: Modeling Bounded Rationality Textbook Description: This free online textbook contains an investigation of methods that have been used…

Mathematical Introduction to Robotic Manipulation

Textbook Title: Mathematical Introduction to Robotic Manipulation Textbook Description: This free etextbook covers a mathematical formulation of the kinematics, dynamics,…

Feedback Systems: An Introduction for Scientists and Engineers

Textbook Title: Feedback Systems: An Introduction for Scientists and Engineers Textbook Description: This textbook provides an introduction to the basic…

Numerical Methods and Modeling for Chemical Engineers

Textbook Title: Numerical Methods and Modeling for Chemical Engineers Textbook Description: This free online textbook provides an introduction to the…

Physics Searches at the LHC

Textbook Title: Physics Searches at the LHC Textbook Description: This free online textbook covers the focus of experimental and theoretical…

Works of Edgar Allan Poe

Textbook Title: Works of Edgar Allan Poe Textbook Description: This is the full free textbook version of a collection of…

College Algebra 5E

Textbook Title: College Algebra 5E Textbook Description: Learn to think mathematically and develop genuine problem-solving skills with Stewart, Redlin, and…