Textbook Title: Introductory Statistics: Concepts, Models, and Applications
Textbook Description:
Development of the concept of creating mathematical models of the world. An extensive treatment of measurement and measurement scales as a model-building procedure. A slightly different organizational scheme than most introductory texts, with material presented in the following order: frequency polygons, models of frequency polygons, the normal curve, and then statistics. In addition, the presentation of transformations, linear transformations, and then linear regression follows a natural progression of material. Elimination of almost all computational formulas along with a general discussion of how to use a statistical calculator. This has been taken a step further in the Web Edition of the text as it is now possible to eliminate tables, such as the normal curve table, and all the computational procedures that go with them.
Author: David W. Stockburger
Subjects: Statistics, Mathematics, Business & Management
Key words: Statistics, Accounting, Math, Mathematics, Business
Download URL: http://www.psychstat.missouristate.edu/introbook/sbk00.htm