Drug-Acceptor Interactions

Textbook Title: Drug-Acceptor Interactions

Textbook Description:
Drug-Acceptor Interactions: Modeling theoretical tools to test and evaluate experimental equilibrium effects suggests novel theoretical tools to test and evaluate drug interactions seen with combinatorial drug therapy. The textbook provides an in-depth, yet controversial, exploration of existing tools for analysis of dose-response studies at equilibrium or steady state. Textbook is recommended reading for post-graduate students and researchers engaged in the study of systems biology, networks, and the pharmacodynamics of natural or industrial drugs, as well as for medical clinicians interested in drug application and combinatorial drug therapy.

Author: Niels Bindslev, MD
Subjects: Health Sciences & Medical
Key words: Health Sciences, Medical, Pharmacology
Download URL: http://journals.sfu.ca/coactionbks/index.php/Bindslev/issue/current

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