Q: What is the best place to read textbooks online for free?
A: There are multiple electronic libraries, eLibraries, and etextbook databases (such as TextBookGo.com) that will provide you with downloads and links to read textbooks online for free. The best place to read textbooks online free of charge may be different for each individual, depending on the type of textbooks they are looking for.
You can start your search for free online textbooks, by searching our database for the textbooks you are interested in. We have a large variety of FREE textbooks online ONLY. We offer free etextbooks for all subject matter, and from a variety of different sources. You can visit our homepage by clicking our logo to search free etextbooks available for immediate download. Individuals can search by entering the title of the textbook, author of the textbook, key words for the textbook, or browse our free selection of etextbooks by subject.
When looking to read textbooks online free, individuals should be cautious of the sites from which they are downloading the etextbooks. It is always recommended to scan any file with a computer viruses detecting software before downloading. Some sites may also advertise that you can “read full textbooks online free”, however only offer a portion of the text may actually be free for viewing.