Vector Calculus

Textbook Title: Vector Calculus

Textbook Description:
This is a textbook on elementary multivariable calculus, designed for students who have completed courses in single-variable calculus. The traditional topics are covered: basic vector algebra; lines, planes and surfaces; vector-valued functions; functions of 2 or 3 variables; partial derivatives; optimization; multiple integrals; line and surface integrals. The book also includes discussion of numerical methods: Newton’s method for optimization, and the Monte Carlo method for evaluating multiple integrals. There is a section dealing with applications to probability. Appendices include a proof of the right-hand rule for the cross product, and a short tutorial on using Gnuplot for graphing functions of 2 variables. There are 420 exercises in the book. Answers to selected exercises are included.

Author: Michael Corral
Subjects: Mathematics
Key words: Math, Mathematics, Algebra, Calculus
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