Lateral Interactions in the Cortex: Structure and Function

Textbook Title: Lateral Interactions in the Cortex: Structure and Function

Textbook Description:
Lateral Interactions in the Cortex: Structure and Function addresses several new results on the structure, development, and functional role of lateral connectivity in the cortex that have recently emerged. These results have led to a new understanding of the cortex as a continuously-adapting dynamic system shaped by competitive and cooperative lateral interactions. Many of the results and their interpretations are still controversial, and computational investigations can serve a pivotal role in establishing this new model. This book brings together eleven such investigations, each from a slightly different perspective and level aiming to explain what function the lateral interactions could play in the development and information processing in the cortex.

Author: Risto Miikkulainen and Joseph Sirosh
Subjects: Health Sciences & Medical, Biology, Social Sciences
Key words: Health Sciences, Medical, Biology, Social Sciences
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